About ACP
American Custom Publishing (ACP) is one of the nation’s leading publishers of customized educational booklets and calendars for older adults. In recent years, ACP has produced millions of publications for hundreds of clients throughout the U.S. The company is based in Libertyville, Illinois, a northern suburb of Chicago. Recent clients include:
- Aetna
- Aging & Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)
- The American Heart Association
- Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs)
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans
- CVS/pharmacy
- Home Health Agencies
- Hospitals and Health Systems
- Local Aging Organizations
- Medicare & Medicare Health Plans
- Pfizer
- Retirement Communities
- Senior Centers
- Sr. Health Insurance Programs (SHIPs)
- And hundreds more!
Contact Us
Phone: 800-828-8225 (weekdays 9-5 Central time)
E-mail: info@seniorwellnessguides.com